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Inside Macintosh: PowerPC Numerics / Part 2 - The PowerPC Numerics C Implementation
Chapter 10 - Transcendental Functions / Comparison Functions


You can use the relation function to determine the relationship (less than, greater than, equal to, or unordered) between two real numbers.

relop relation (double_t x, double_t y);
Any floating-point number.
Any floating-point number.
The relation function returns the relationship between its two arguments.

The relation function is type relop, which is an enumerated type. This function returns one of the following values:
if x < yLESSTHAN
if x = yEQUALTO
if x or y is a NaNUNORDERED

Programs can use the result of this function in expressions to test for combinations not supported by the comparison operators, such as "less than or unordered."

When x and y are finite and nonzero, the result of relation(x,y) is exact.

Table 10-4 shows the results when one of the arguments to the relation function is a zero, a NaN, or an Infinity. In this table, x and y are finite, nonzero floating-point numbers.
Special cases for the relation function
OperationResultExceptions raised
relation(+0,y) < if y > 0None
 > if y < 0None
relation(x,+0) > if x > 0None
 < if x < 0None
relation(-0,y) < if y > 0None
 > if y < 0None
relation(x,-0) > if x > 0None
 < if x < 0None
relation(+0,-0) =None
relation(NaN,y) UnorderedNone[25]
relation(x,NaN) UnorderedNone[25]
relation(+ ,y) >None
relation(x,+ ) <None
relation(+ ,+ ) =None
relation(- ,y) <None
relation(x,- ) >None
relation(- ,- ) =None

r = relation(x, y);
if ((r == LESSTHAN) || (r == UNORDERED))
   printf("No, y is not greater than x.\n");

[25] If the NaN is a signaling NaN, the invalid exception is raised.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
13 JUL 1996