You can use thedec2str
function to convert a number in adecimal
structure to a decimal string.
void dec2str (const decform *f, const decimal *d, char *s);
- A
structure that describes how the number should look in decimal. See page 9-14 for a description of thedecform
- The
structure to be converted. See page 9-13 for the definition of thedecimal
- On return, a string representing the number in decimal.
function is the PowerPC Numerics formatter. It takes a number from a decimal structure and converts it to a string. You can use thenum2dec
function to convert a binary floating-point number to adecimal
structure appropriate for input to thedec2str
The numeric formatter is controlled by a
- Use the same decimal format structure settings for
as you used fornum2dec
; otherwise, results are unspecified.![]()
. With floating style, numbers formatted using the same value forf.digits
have aligning decimal points and e's. To ensure that numbers have the same width also, pad the exponent-digits field with spaces to a width of 4. For example, iff.digits
= 12, then pad 12 + 8 - length(s
) spaces on the right of the result strings
. The value 8 accounts for the sign, point, letter e, exponent sign, and four exponent digits. Note that this scheme gives the correct field width for NaNs and Infinities too.With fixed style, numbers formatted using the same value for
have aligning decimal points if enough leading spaces are added to the result strings
to attain a fixed width, which must be no narrower than the widests
- When you create a
structure, you must setsig.length
to the size of the string you place insig.text
. You cannot leave thelength
field undefined.![]()
The formatter is always exact and signals no exceptions.SPECIAL CASES
For fixed-point formatting,dec2str
treats a negative value fordigits
as a specification for rounding to the left of the decimal point; for example,digits
= -2 means to round to hundreds. For floating-point formatting, values fordigits
less than 1 are treated as 1.NaNs are formatted as
; Infinities are formatted asINF
. A leading sign or space is included according to the style convention.The formatter never returns fewer significant digits than are contained in
. However, if thedecform
structure calls for more significant digits than are contained insig
, then the formatter pads with zeros as needed.If more than 80 characters are required to honor
, then the formatter returns the string "?".EXAMPLES
Suppose you have an accounting program that computes exact values using binary numbers of pennies and prints outputs in dollars and cents. If you simply divide
the number of pennies by 100 to get dollars, you incur errors because hundredths are not exact in binary. One way to print out exact values in dollars and cents is to convert the number of pennies to adecimal
structure, perform the division by adjusting the exponent, and print the result, as shown in Listing 9-1.Listing 9-1 Accounting program
#include <fp.h> decform df; double pennies; /* This is the input value */ decimal dpennies; /* decimal value for pennies */ char * dollars; /* string to print as $$$. */ { = FIXEDDECIMAL; df.digits = 0; /* start with 0 digits after decimal point */ num2dec(&df, pennies, &dpennies); /* decimal pennies */ dpennies.exp = dpennies.exp - 2; /* divide by 100 */ df.digits = 2; /* request 2 digits after decimal point */ dec2str(&df, &dpennies, dollars); /* dollar string to print */ }