Chapter 7 - Numeric Data Types in C
This chapter describes the numeric data types available in C and shows how to determine the class and sign of values represented in numeric data types. As stated in Chapter 2, "Floating-Point Data Formats," the PowerPC Numerics environment provides three numeric data formats: single (32 bits long), double (64 bits long), and double-double (two double formats combined, resulting in 128 bits). Each can represent normalized numbers, denormalized numbers, zeros, NaNs, and Infinities. See Chapter 2 for information about the numeric data formats and about how they represent values. Read this chapter to find out about the mapping of numeric formats to floating-point types in C, about the floating-point type declarations made in the PowerPC Numerics library (MathLib), and about the library utilities available that can determine the class of a floating-point value.
Chapter Contents
- C Data Types
- Efficient Type Declarations
- Inquiries: Class and Sign
- Creating Infinities and NaNs
- Numeric Data Types Summary
- C Summary
- Constants
- Class and Sign Inquiry Macros
- Data Types
- Special Value Routines
- Creating NaNs