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Inside Macintosh: PowerPC Numerics / Part 1 - The PowerPC Numerics Environment
Chapter 6 - Numeric Operations and Functions / Arithmetic Operations


You can use the * symbol to multiply two real numbers.

x * y
Any floating-point number.
Any floating-point number.
The * operator performs the standard multiplication of two floating-point numbers (x×y) .

When x and y are both finite and nonzero, either the result of x * y is exact or it raises one of the following exceptions:

  • inexact (if the result of x * y must be rounded or if an overflow or underflow occurs)
  • overflow (if the result is outside the range of the data type)
  • underflow (if the result is inexact and must be represented as a denormalized number or 0)

Table 6-5 shows the results when one of the operands of the multiplication operation is a zero, a NaN, or an Infinity. In this table, x is a nonzero floating-point number.
Table 6-5 Special cases for floating-point multiplication
OperationResultExceptions raised
x * +0�0None
x * -0 �0None
* �0NaNInvalid
x * NaN NaNNone[7]
x * + None
x * - None
�0 * NaNInvalid

[7] If the NaN is a signaling NaN, the invalid exception is raised.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
13 JUL 1996