Floating-Point Header File (fp.h)
The header filefp.h
defines a collection of numerical functions designed to facilitate a wide range of numerical programming. It is modeled after the FPCE technical report. This file declares many functions in support of numerical programming. It provides a superset ofmath.h
functions. Some functionality previously found insane.h
on 680x0-based Macintosh computers and not in the FPCEfp.h
can be found in thisfp.h
under the heading__NOEXTENSIONS__
#ifndef __FP__ #define __FP__ /* efficient types are included in Types.h. */ #ifndef __TYPES__ #include <Types.h> #endif #ifdef powerc #define LONG_DOUBLE_SIZE 16 #elif mc68881 #define LONG_DOUBLE_SIZE 12 #else #define LONG_DOUBLE_SIZE 10 #endif /* powerc */ #define DOUBLE_SIZE 8 #define HUGE_VAL __inf() #define INFINITY __inf() #define NAN nan("255") /* the macro DECIMAL_DIG is obtained by satisfying the constraint that the conversion from double to decimal and back is the identity function. */ #ifdef powerc #define DECIMAL_DIG 36 #else #define DECIMAL_DIG 21 #endif /* powerc */ #define SIGDIGLEN 36 /* significant decimal digits */ #define DECSTROUTLEN 80 /* max length for dec2str output */ #define FLOATDECIMAL ((char)(0)) #define FIXEDDECIMAL ((char)(1))Inquiry Macros
#define fpclassify (x) (( sizeof (x) == LONG_DOUBLE_SIZE) ? \ __fpclassify (x) : \ (sizeof (x) == DOUBLE_SIZE) ? \ __fpclassifyd (x) : \ __fpclassifyf (x)) /* isnormal is nonzero if and only if the argument x is normalized. */ #define isnormal (x) (( sizeof (x) == LONG_DOUBLE_SIZE) ? \ __isnormal (x) : \ (sizeof (x) == DOUBLE_SIZE) ? \ __isnormald (x) : \ __isnormalf (x)) /* isfinite is nonzero if and only if the argument x is finite. */ #define isfinite (x) (( sizeof (x) == LONG_DOUBLE_SIZE) ? \ __isfinite (x) : \ ( sizeof (x) == DOUBLE_SIZE) ? \ __isfinited (x) : \ __isfinitef (x)) /* isnan is nonzero if and only if the argument x is a NaN. */ #define isnan (x) (( sizeof (x) == LONG_DOUBLE_SIZE) ? \ __isnan (x) : \ (sizeof (x) == DOUBLE_SIZE) ? \ __isnand (x) : \ __isnanf (x)) /* signbit is nonzero if and only if the sign of the argument x is negative. This includes NaNs, infinities and zeros. */ #define signbit (x) (( sizeof (x) == LONG_DOUBLE_SIZE) ? \ __signbit (x) : \ (sizeof (x) == DOUBLE_SIZE) ? \ __signbitd (x) : \ __signbitf (x))Data Types
enum NumberKind { FP_SNAN = 0, /* signaling NaN */ FP_QNAN, /* quiet NaN */ FP_INFINITE, /* + or - infinity */ FP_ZERO, /* + or - zero */ FP_NORMAL, /* all normal numbers */ FP_SUBNORMAL /* denormal numbers */ }; typedef short relop; enum { GREATERTHAN = ((relop) (0)), LESSTHAN, EQUALTO, UNORDERED }; struct decimal { char sgn; /* sign 0 for +, 1 for - */ char unused; short exp; /* decimal exponent */ struct { unsigned char length; unsigned char text[SIGDIGLEN]; /* significant digits */ unsigned char unused; } sig; }; typedef struct decimal decimal; struct decform { char style; /* FLOATDECIMAL or FIXEDDECIMAL */ char unused; short digits; }; typedef struct decform decform; extern const double_t pi;Functions
Trigonometric Functions
double_t cos(double_t x); double_t sin(double_t x); double_t tan (double_t x); double_t acos (double_t x); /* argument is in [0,pi] */ double_t asin (double_t x); /* argument is in [-pi/2,pi/2] */ double_t atan (double_t x); /* argument is in [-pi/2,pi/2] */ #ifdef powerc long double cosl (long double x); long double sinl (long double x); long double tanl (long double x); long double acosl (long double x); /*argument is in [0,pi]*/ long double asinl (long double x); /*argument is in [-pi/2,pi/2]*/ long double atanl (long double x); /*argument is in [-pi/2,pi/2]*/ #endif /* powerc */ double_t atan2 (double_t y, double_t x); #ifdef powerc long double atan2l (long double y, long double x); #endif /* powerc */Hyperbolic Functions
double_t cosh (double_t x); double_t sinh (double_t x); double_t tanh (double_t x); double_t acosh (double_t x); double_t asinh (double_t x); double_t atanh (double_t x); #ifdef powerc long double coshl (long double x); long double sinhl (long double x); long double tanhl (long double x); long double acoshl (long double x); long double asinhl (long double x); long double atanhl (long double x); #endif /* powerc */Exponential Functions
double_t exp (double_t x); #ifdef powerc long double expl (long double x); #endif /* powerc */ double_t expm1 (double_t x); #ifdef powerc long double expm1l (long double x); #endif /* powerc */ double_t exp2 (double_t x); double_t frexp (double_t x, int *exponent); double_t ldexp (double_t x, int n); double_t log (double_t x); #ifdef powerc long double exp2l (long double x); long double frexpl (long double x, int *exponent); long double ldexpl (long double x, int n); long double logl (long double x); #endif /* powerc */ double_t log2 (double_t x); #ifdef powerc long double log2l (long double x); #endif /* powerc */ double_t log1p (double_t x); double_t log10 (double_t x); #ifdef powerc long double log1pl (long double x); long double log10l (long double x); #endif /* powerc */ double_t logb (double_t x); #ifdef powerc long double logbl (long double x); #endif /* powerc */ long double modfl (long double x, long double *iptrl); double modf (double x, double *iptr); float modff (float x, float *iptrf); double_t scalb (double_t x, long int n); #ifdef powerc long double scalbl (long double x, long int n); #endif /* powerc */Power and Absolute Value Functions
double_t fabs (double_t x); #ifdef powerc long double fabsl (long double x); #endif /* powerc */ double_t hypot (double_t x, double_t y); double_t pow (double_t x, double_t y); double_t sqrt (double_t x); #ifdef powerc long double hypotl (long double x, long double y); long double powl (long double x, long double y); long double sqrtl (long double x); #endif /* powerc */Gamma and Error Functions
double_t erf (double_t x); /* the error function */ double_t erfc (double_t x); /* complementary error function */ double_t gamma (double_t x); #ifdef powerc long double erfl (long double x); /* the error function */ long double erfcl (long double x);/*complementary error function*/ long double gammal (long double x); #endif /* powerc */ double_t lgamma (double_t x); #ifdef powerc long double lgammal (long double x); #endif /* powerc */Nearest Integer Functions
double_t ceil(double_t x); double_t floor(double_t x); #ifdef powerc long double ceill(long double x); long double floorl(long double x); #endif /* powerc */ double_t rint(double_t x); #ifdef powerc long double rintl(long double x); #endif /* powerc */ double_t nearbyint(double_t x); #ifdef powerc long double nearbyintl(long double x); #endif /* powerc */ long int rinttol(double_t x); #ifdef powerc long int rinttoll(long double x); #endif /* powerc */ double_t round(double_t x); #ifdef powerc long double roundl(long double x); #endif /* powerc */ long int roundtol(double_t x); #ifdef powerc long int roundtoll(long double x); #endif /* powerc */ double_t trunc(double_t x); #ifdef powerc long double truncl(long double x); #endif /* powerc */Remainder Functions
double_t fmod(double_t x, double_t y); double_t remainder(double_t x, double_t y); double_t remquo(double_t x, double_t y, int *quo); #ifdef powerc long double remainderl (long double x, long double y); long double remquol (long double x, long double y, int *quo); #endif /* powerc */Auxiliary Functions
double_t copysign (double_t x, double_t y); #ifdef powerc long double copysignl (long double x, long double y); #endif /* powerc */ long double nanl(const char *tagp); double nan(const char *tagp); float nanf(const char *tagp); long double nextafterl (long double x, long double y); double nextafterd (double x, double y); float nextafterf (float x, float y);Maximum, Minimum, and Positive Difference Functions
double_t fdim(double_t x, double_t y); #ifdef powerc long double fdiml (long double x, long double y); #endif double_t fmax (double_t x, double_t y); double_t fmin (double_t x, double_t y); #ifdef powerc long double fmaxl (long double x, long double y); long double fminl (long double x, long double y); #endifInternal Prototypes
long int __fpclassify(long double x); long int __fpclassifyd(double x); long int __fpclassifyf(float x); long int __isnormal(long double x); long int __isnormald(double x); long int __isnormalf(float x); long int __isfinite(long double x); long int __isfinited(double x); long int __isfinitef(float x); long int __isnan(long double x); long int __isnand(double x); long int __isnanf(float x); long int __signbit(long double x); long int __signbitd(double x); long int __signbitf(float x); double __inf(void);Non-NCEG Extensions
#ifndef __NOEXTENSIONS__Financial functions
double_t compound (double_t rate, double_t periods); double_t annuity (double_t rate, double_t periods);Random Function
double_t randomx (double_t *x);Relational Operator
relop relation (double_t x, double_t y); #ifdef powerc relop relationl (long double x, long double y); #endif /* powerc */Data Exchange Routines
#ifdef powerc void x80told(const extended80 *x80, long double *x); void ldtox80(const long double *x, extended80 *x80); #endif /* powerc */Binary-to-Decimal Conversions
void num2dec(const decform *f, double_t x, decimal *d); #ifdef powerc void num2decl(const decform *f, long double x, decimal *d); #endif /* powerc */ double_t dec2num(const decimal *d); void dec2str(const decform *f, const decimal *d, char *s); void str2dec(const char *s, short *ix, decimal *d, short *vp); #ifdef powerc long double dec2numl(const decimal *d); #endif /* powerc */ float dec2f(const decimal *d); short int dec2s(const decimal *d); long int dec2l(const decimal *d); #endif /* __NOEXTENSIONS__ */ #endif