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Inside Macintosh: PowerPC Numerics / Part 3 - Appendixes
Appendix A - SANE Versus PowerPC Numerics

Porting SANE to PowerPC Numerics

If you have a program that is written to take advantage of SANE features, you might want to port it to the PowerPC processor to take advantage of the increased speed. This section provides tips on how to do so.

Perform the following steps to be sure that your program will run on both 680x0-based and PowerPC processor-based Macintosh computers:

  1. Replace all uses of type comp with type double or long int.
  2. Replace sane.h and math.h with fp.h and fenv.h.
  3. Replace uses of extended with double_t or, if this is not possible, with long double.
  4. Replace SANE-specific functions with their MathLib equivalents. SANE-specific functions include the functions listed as implemented differently in MathLib in the section "Differences in Transcendental Functions" on page A-5, all class and sign inquiry functions, and all environmental control functions.

The following sections guide you through these four steps.

Replacing Variables of Type comp

The first step in porting a SANE program is to remove uses of the data type comp. The type comp is a floating-point type with 64 bits of precision. In SANE, type comp is automatically converted to extended format whenever an expression is evaluated, just like every other SANE data format. In other words, comp is a floating-point type disguised as an integer type. In most cases you can replace type comp with type double, which provides 53 bits of precision. If your comp variables require greater than 53 bits of precision, you might need to write your own integer arithmetic package.

Using MathLib Instead of the SANE Library

The next step in porting a SANE program is to use the header files fp.h and fenv.h. The files fp.h and fenv.h replace sane.h and math.h. All of the transcendental functions declared in sane.h are now declared in fp.h, and most of them work exactly the same way in the two environments. If your program includes the header file math.h instead of sane.h, you should replace it with fp.h as well. The fp.h file declares all of the functions and macros declared in the ANSI header file math.h plus some additional ones.

Be aware of the differences in function prototypes in the files sane.h and fp.h. If your program currently uses sane.h, the declarations for transcendental functions look like this:

extended func_name (extended func_params);
In other words, all transcendental functions in sane.h are type extended and take type extended as arguments. These declarations mean that you can pass any floating-point type to a transcendental function without losing precision.

In fp.h, the typical transcendental function declaration has the form

double_t func_name (double_t func_params);
The double_t type changes definition based on which processor the program is run on. For the PowerPC processor, double_t is defined to be type double. For the 680x0 processor, double_t is defined to be type extended. Therefore, when you change from using sane.h to using fp.h, your program will compile on both the 680x0 and the PowerPC processors and there will be no change in the way your program runs on the 680x0. For more information on the double_t type, see "Portable Declarations" on page A-9.

In some cases, a numeric function also has a long double implementation in MathLib. The declarations of the long double implementations are in fp.h and have the form

long double func_namel (long double func_params);
See the function descriptions in Part 2 of this book to find out if a function you are using has a long double implementation. If it does, you should examine the types of the parameters you are passing to that function and you should examine the return values. If a function parameter or return value requires more than 53 bits of precision, you may need to use the long double implementation of the function when it runs on a PowerPC processor. To do this, you simply add the letter l to the function call.

Replacing Extended Format Variables

When changing extended variables, first change all variables that are declared as extended to type double_t. For the 680x0 processor, double_t is defined as extended. For the PowerPC processor, double_t is defined as double. Once you make this change, your program runs with no changes on the 680x0 processor but now also runs on the PowerPC processor. Next, you need to examine each double_t variable to see if it will overflow on the PowerPC processor. If the variable requires more than 53 bits of precision, change its declaration to long double.

Using MathLib Functions

As mentioned previously, PowerPC Numerics (specifically, the MathLib library) provides a superset of the functions that SANE provides. In most cases you don't need to make any changes to your existing calls to the SANE library. However, there are a few transcendental functions that have a different implementation in MathLib. Also, the names have changed for the class and sign inquiries and floating-point environmental controls.

Differences in Transcendental Functions

The following transcendental functions are implemented differently in MathLib than in the SANE library:

Differences in Class and Sign Inquiries

The class and sign inquiry functions declared in sane.h are not implemented in MathLib. Instead, MathLib provides a set of macros that perform the same actions.
Table A-1 shows the declarations in sane.h on the left and the corresponding declaration in the MathLib header file fp.h on the right.
Table A-1 Class and sign inquiries in SANE versus MathLib
sane.h declarationfp.h declaration

#define SNAN 0
#define QNAN 1
#define INFINITE 2
#define ZERONUM 3
#define NORMALNUM 4
typedef short numclass;
enum NumberKind {
FP_SNAN = 0,
numclass classfloat (extended x);
numclass classdouble(extended x);
numclass classcomp(extended x);
numclass classextended(extended x);
#define fp_classify(x)[68]
long signnum (extended x);#define signbit(x)

Differences in Environmental Controls

MathLib's environmental control functions are declared in the header file fenv.h. They affect only rounding direction modes and floating-point exceptions, and they are different from the functions that perform the same tasks in the SANE library.

If the SANE program uses rounding precision modes, you must remove this code to run it on the PowerPC processor. The PowerPC processor almost always uses less precision than SANE when evaluating expressions, so this should not be a problem. See Chapter 3, "Expression Evaluation," for details.

If the SANE program uses halts, you need to replace them with your own exception handling routines.

Replace the floating-point environmental access function or macro on the left side of Table A-2 with the corresponding function or macro on the right side. If your compiler supports the environmental access switch described in Appendix D, "FPCE Recommendations for Compilers," you must turn the switch on before using any of the functions or macros from Table A-2.
Table A-2 Environmental access functions in SANE versus MathLib
sane.h declarationfenv.h declaration
#define INVALID 1
#define UNDERFLOW 2
#define OVERFLOW 4
#define DIVBYZERO 8
#define INEXACT 16
#define FE_INEXACT 0x02000000
#define FE_DIVBYZERO 0x04000000
#define FE_UNDERFLOW 0x08000000
#define FE_OVERFLOW 0x10000000
#define FE_INVALID 0x20000000
typedef short exception;typedef long int fexcept_t;
typedef short environmenttypedef long int fenv_t;
#define TONEAREST 0
#define UPWARD 1
#define DOWNWARD 2
#define TOWARDZERO 3
#define FE_TONEAREST 0x00000000
#define FE_TOWARDZERO 0x00000001
#define FE_UPWARD 0x00000002
#define FE_DOWNWARD 0x00000003
typedef short rounddir;--
void setexception(exception e,
long s);
int fesetexcept(const fexcept_t
*flagp, int excepts);
int feclearexcept(int excepts);
int feraiseexcept(int excepts);
long testexception(exception e);int fetestexcept(int excepts);
void setround (rounddir r);int fesetround(int round);
rounddir getround(void);int fegetround(void);
void setenvironment(environment e);void fesetenv(const fenv_t *envp);
void getenvironment(environment *e);void fegetenv(fenv_t *envp);
void procentry(environment *e);int feholdexcept(fenv_t *envp);[69]
void procexit(environment e);void feupdateenv(const fenv_t *envp);

Listing A-1 is a C code fragment that runs on both the 680x0 and PowerPC processors. It performs the pow function, tests for the occurrence of the inexact exception, and prints the results.

Listing A-1 Using environmental controls in SANE and PowerPC Numerics

   double_t x, y, result;/* double on PowerPC,extended on 680x0 */
#ifdef __SANE__         /* 680x0 processor */
   exception fp_inexact;
#else                   /* PowerPC processor */
   fexcept_t fp_inexact;

#ifdef __SANE__         /* 680x0 processor */
#else                   /* PowerPC processor */

   result = pow(x, y);

#ifdef __SANE__         /* 680x0 processor */
   fp_inexact = testexception (INEXACT);
#else                   /* PowerPC processor */
   fp_inexact = fetestexcept (FE_INEXACT);

   printf ("pow(%g,%g) = %g\t", x, y, result);
   if (fp_inexact) 
      printf ("INEXACT\n");

Compatibility Tools in MathLib

This section describes some tools provided in MathLib that help with compatibility between two environments. The tools include type definitions that help you make efficient, portable variable declarations and macros that are defined differently on the two architectures.

Portable Declarations

MathLib defines two floating-point type definitions, float_t and double_t, in the header file Types.h. If you define a variable to be float_t or double_t, it means "use the most efficient floating-point type for this architecture." Table A-3 shows the definitions for float_t and double_t on PowerPC architecture compared with 680x0 architecture.
Table A-3 float_t and double_t definitions
680x0long doublelong double

The PowerPC architecture is based on the IEEE double format. The most natural format for computations is double, but the architecture allows computations in single format as well. Therefore, float_t is defined to be float (single precision) and double_t is defined to be double for the PowerPC architecture. The 680x0 architecture is based on the extended format and performs all computations in extended format regardless of the type of the operands. Therefore, float_t and double_t are both long double (extended precision) for the 680x0 architecture.

If you declare a variable to be type double_t and you compile the source code as a PowerPC application, the variable is double format. If you recompile the same source code as an 680x0 application, the variable is extended format.

If your compiler is FPCE-compliant, it also supports the pragmas that allow the most efficient floating-point type to be used for function return values, parameters, and local variables. See Appendix D, "FPCE Recommendations for Compilers," for more information on these pragmas.


You might find the following macros useful to isolate 680x0-specific code from PowerPC-specific code:
__SANE__Defined if sane.h is used
__FP__Defined if fp.h is used
LONG_DOUBLE_SIZEReturns the size in bytes of long double on the processor on which the program is run
DOUBLE_SIZEReturns the size in bytes of double on the processor on which the program is run
DECIMAL_DIGReturns the maximum size in digits of a decimal number that can be converted to binary

[68] The fpclassify macro returns a long integer.
[69] The feholdexcept function, although it replaces the procentry SANE function, affects only the exception flags. It does not affect the rounding direction.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
13 JUL 1996