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Inside Macintosh: PowerPC Numerics / Part 3 - Numerics in PowerPC Assembly Language
Chapter 11 - Introduction to Assembly-Language Numerics

Numerics Example Using PowerPC Assembly Language

Listing 11-1 is a code example that shows when the PowerPC assembly-language numeric features might be useful. The instructions used in this example are described in the Motorola PowerPC 601 RISC Microprocessor User's Manual. This example evaluates the polynomial


It illustrates the evaluation of a polynomial


using Horner's recurrence

-- c0

-- (r×x)+cj for j = 1ton

On entry, general-purpose register GPR0 contains the degree n (<256) of the polynomial, and floating-point register F1 points to a function argument x. The coefficient table consists of n+1 double-format coefficients, starting with c0 . In this particular polynomial, n = 3, c0 = 1, c1= 2, c2 = 0, and c3 .

Listing 11-1 Polynomial evaluation

r0:   equ   0                 # general-purpose register 0
r5:   equ   5                 # general-purpose register 5
f0:   equ   0                 # floating-point register 0
f1:   equ   1                 # floating-point register 1
f2:   equ   2                 # floating-point register 2
CTR:  equ   9                 # Count Register for loops

extern   polyeval{DS}         # export the routine descriptor
extern   .polyeval            # export the entry point
# put the code in a program control section
csect    polyeval{PR}
#high-level languages prepend a period to function names
   lwz      r0,0(r5)          # r0 = degree
   lfd      f0,4(r5)          # f0 = leading coefficient, c0
   addic    r5,r5,4           # r5 = address of leading coeff. &c0
   mtspr    CTR,r0            # CTR = r0
   lfdu     f2,8(r5)          # f2 = next coefficient 
                              # update r5 = r5 + 8
   fmadd    f0,f0,f1,f2       # f0 = f0 * f1 + f2; ...
                              # res = res * x + c[j]
   bdnz     loop              # CTR = CTR - 1, branch if CTR  0
   fmr      f1,f0             # f1 = f0
   blr                        # return through the Link Register
# Set up the table of contents.  It must include at least the 
# exported routines. It may also contain global data or pointers 
# to data.
polyeval_TOC:  tc    polyeval{tc}, polyeval{PR}
# Build a transition vector for all exported routines so they can 
# be accessed through an inter-TOC call.
 csect   polyeval{DS}      # it's in a separate control section
 dc.l    .polyeval         # contains the entry point
 dc.l    0                 # loader will fill in correct TOC 
                           # pointer
 dc.l    0                 # save space for environment pointer

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
13 JUL 1996