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Inside Macintosh: PowerPC Numerics / Part 2 - The PowerPC Numerics C Implementation
Chapter 10 - Transcendental Functions / Financial Functions


You can use the annuity function to compute the present and future value of annuities.

double_t annuity (double_t rate, double_t periods);
The interest rate (any positive floating-point number).
The number of interest periods (any positive floating-point number). This argument might or might not be an integer.
The annuity function computes the present and future values of annuities.

annuity(r,n) = 1+-(1+r)-n OVER r

When rate is a small number, use the function call annuity(rate,n) instead of the expression:

(1 - compound(rate, -n)) / rate
The call annuity(rate,n) produces a more exact result because it avoids the roundoff errors that might occur when this expression is computed.

This function is directly applicable to the computation of present and future values of ordinary annuities:

PV = PMT×1+-(1+r)-n OVER r = PMT×annuity(r,n)

FV = PMT×1+-(1+r)n OVER r = PMT×(1+r)n×1+-(1+r)-n OVER r ATOP =PMT×compound(r,n)×annuity(r,n)

where PV is the amount of money borrowed, FV is the total amount that will be paid on the loan, and PMT is the amount of one periodic payment.

When r and n are finite and nonzero, the result of annuity(r,n) might raise one of the following exceptions:

  • inexact (for all finite, nonzero values of r > -1)
  • invalid (if r < -1)
  • divide-by-zero (if r = -1 and n > 0)

Table 10-34 shows the results when one of the arguments to the annuity function is a zero, a NaN, or an Infinity, plus other special cases for the annuity function. In this table, r and n are finite, nonzero floating-point numbers.
Special cases for the annuity function
OperationResultExceptions raised
annuity(r,n) for r < -1NaNInvalid
annuity(-1,n) + if n > 0Divide-by-zero
 -1 if n < 0None
annuity(+0,n) nNone
annuity(r,+0) +0None
annuity(-0,n) nNone
annuity(r,-0) +0None
annuity(NaN,n) NaN[57]None[58]
annuity(r,NaN) NaNNone
annuity(+ ,n) 0 if n > 0None
  - if n < 0None
annuity(r,+ ) 1/rNone
annuity(- ,n) NaNInvalid
annuity(r,- ) - None

z = annuity(-1, 5);  /* z = +INFINITY. The divide-by-zero 
                        exception is raised. */
z = annuity(-2, -2); /* z = NAN. The invalid exception 
                        is raised. */

[57] If both arguments are NaNs, the first NaN is returned.
[58] If the NaN is a signaling NaN, the invalid exception is raised.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
13 JUL 1996