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Inside Macintosh: Interapplication Communication /
Chapter 4 - Responding to Apple Events / Reference to Responding to Apple Events
Routines for Responding to Apple Events / Suspending and Resuming Apple Event Handling


You can use the AESetTheCurrentEvent function to specify the Apple event to be handled.

FUNCTION AESetTheCurrentEvent (theAppleEvent: AppleEvent): OSErr;
The Apple event to be handled.
There is usually no reason for your application to use the AESetTheCurrentEvent function. Instead of calling this function, your application should let the Apple Event Manager set the current Apple event through the dispatch tables.

If you need to avoid the dispatch tables, you must use the AESetTheCurrentEvent function only in the following way:

  1. Your application suspends handling of an Apple event by calling the AESuspendTheCurrentEvent function.
  2. Your application calls the AESetTheCurrentEvent function. This informs the Apple Event Manager that your application is handling the suspended Apple event. In this way, any routines that call the AEGetTheCurrentEvent function can ascertain which event is currently being handled.
  3. When your application finishes handling the Apple event, it calls the AEResumeTheCurrentEvent function with the value kAENoDispatch to tell the Apple Event Manager that the event has been processed and need not be dispatched.

noErr0No error

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
7 JUL 1996