Routines for Responding to Apple Events
This section describes the Apple Event Manager routines you can use to create and manage the Apple event dispatch tables, dispatch Apple events, extract information from Apple events, request user interaction, request more time to respond to Apple events, suspend and resume Apple event handling, delete descriptor records, deallocate memory for descriptor records, create and manage the coercion handler and special handler dispatch tables, and get information about the Apple Event Manager.Because the Apple Event Manager uses the services of the Event Manager, which in turn uses the services of the PPC Toolbox, the routines described in this section may return Event Manager and PPC Toolbox result codes in addition to the Apple Event Manager result codes listed.
- Creating and Managing the Apple Event Dispatch Tables
- Dispatching Apple Events
- Getting Data or Descriptor Records Out of Apple Event Parameters and Attributes
- Counting the Items in Descriptor Lists
- Getting Items From Descriptor Lists
- Getting Data and Keyword-Specified Descriptor Records Out of AE Records
- Requesting User Interaction
- Requesting More Time to Respond to Apple Events
- Suspending and Resuming Apple Event Handling
- Getting the Sizes and Descriptor Types of Descriptor Records
- Deleting Descriptor Records
- Deallocating Memory for Descriptor Records
- Coercing Descriptor Types
- Creating and Managing the Coercion Handler Dispatch Tables
- Creating and Managing the Special Handler Dispatch Tables
- Getting Information About the Apple Event Manager