Inside Macintosh:

Advanced Color Imaging

From this web page you can gain access to Apple Computer's official documentation for enhancing your software's color capabilities. In addition to supplying you with the conceptual and reference documentation that will help you incorporate Mac OS advanced color imaging technologies into your software, this web page gives you access to archives of previous versions of this documentation; this page also provides hyperlinks to other web sites related to Mac OS color imaging capabilties.

Apple Computer has prepared two major developer guides that explain how you can augment the color support supplied with QuickDraw and Quickdraw GX; these guides are

Together, these guides explain how you can

New! Revised for ColorSync 2.1

The electronic versions of Advanced Color Imaging on the Mac OS and Advanced Color Imaging Reference have been revised to include detailed descriptions of new features in ColorSync 2.1, along with additional sample code. These electronic books also contain minor corrections to previous material about the Palette Manager, the Color Picker Manager, and the Color Manager. The document What's New in Advanced Color Imaging on the Mac OS describes the revisions made to the electronic versions of these books and provides hypertext links to new and modified material in those books. (Archives of the previous versions of these books are also available.)


Click below to obtain advanced color imaging documentation in any of the following formats.
Advanced Color Imaging on the Mac OS Direct access: web pages
Acrobat (7555K)
Quickview (1.2MB)
Advanced Color Imaging Reference Direct access: web pages
Acrobat (7555K)
Quickview (1.2MB)


In case you need to reference them, the previous versions of Advanced Color Imaging on the Mac OS and Advanced Color Imaging Reference are also available.

Related Information

The following related web pages can provide additional assistance in your development efforts:

© Apple Computer, Inc.